Gerard Rocher-Ros

I am an ecosystem ecologist, with a background in modelling and complex systems science. The broad aim of my research is to understand how the movement of energy and matter in landscapes shapes ecosystems in face of climate change, with water as the main vector of connectivity. To do this I combine empirical measurements in ecosystems with quantitative data analysis, modelling and machine learning tools.

More specifically, I am interested in landscape patterns of carbon and nutrient storage and flux, the biogeochemical mechanisms that regulate these patterns within and across ecosystems, and how to translate these processes across spatial and temporal scales to understand their broader implications.

This website is pretty basic, where you can find my publications, some side projects as well as some software tools I have been using for my research. If you want my full CV you can download it here.

In January I will join Umeå University as an Assisant Professor in Ecosystem Ecology, within the department of Ecology and Environmental Science and the Integrated Science Lab (IceLab). Icelab is a quite unique place where scientists from multiple disciplines with a shared interest in modelling and finding unifying principles in nature sit in the same physical place. In my group we will be thinking how to develop models of ecosystem processes starting with metabolic dynamics in river networks, check for opportunities or contact us to arrange a visit if interested!


Umeå University | Sweden | PhD in Physical geography | 2014 - 2019 | Thesis

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | Spain | M.S in Modelling and Complex Systems | 2013 - 2014 | Thesis

Universitat de Barcelona | Spain B.S in Environmental Sciences | 2008 - 2013


Assistant professor | Department of Ecology and Environmental Science and IceLab, Umeå University | 2024 -

Postdoc mobility grant | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences & Blanes Centre of Advanced studies (CSIC, Spain) | 2022 - 2024

Postdoc researcher | Umeå University | 2020 - 2022